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- Abstrakt 2000 - 2004
40 Jours en ChineBiografie - Biographie

Wojtek Klakla
Born 1967 in Poland
Lives and works in Fribourg, Switzerland
1987-1992 Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Poland.
2009-2012 Hochschule der Künste Bern, Switzerland,
Master of Arts in Contemporary Arts Practice.
“Landschaft in Sicht”, Kunsthaus Elsau
Art Position 23, Murten
“Sein und Zeit”, Flaming Heart Flamatt (One Artist Show)
“New Bio”, galerie Artemis, Neuchâtel, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel
Art Position 23, Murten
“Sein und Zeit”, Flaming Heart Flamatt (One Artist Show)
“New Bio”, galerie Artemis, Neuchâtel, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel
“Liberté, Freiheit, Freedom”, Institute Créole, anciens locaux de l’imprimerie St-Paul, Fribourg, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel
“CORPUS”, Museum of Art and History Fribourg, Switzerland
“AOP”, Kantons- und Universitätsbibliothek KUB-BCU, Fribourg
“Appropriation des berges”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Île St-Louis, Paris
“Peanuts”, Performance in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Salon du dessin, Paris
“Eden Eden”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Château Bohème, Tentlingen
“AOP”, Kantons- und Universitätsbibliothek KUB-BCU, Fribourg
“Appropriation des berges”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Île St-Louis, Paris
“Peanuts”, Performance in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Salon du dessin, Paris
“Eden Eden”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Château Bohème, Tentlingen
“Les 40 jours en Chine de l’Institut Créole en Suisse”, Museum of Art and History Fribourg,
Switzerland, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel
Switzerland, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel
“Les 40 jours de l’Institut Créole en Chine », Yukou Art District, Shaanxi, Chine, with P.-A. Morel
“Memoires Vives”, Museum of Art and History Fribourg, Switzerland
“Memoires Vives”, Museum of Art and History Fribourg, Switzerland
“Au café. Une soif de societé. /Carte blanche”, Museum of Art and History Fribourg, Switzerland
with Valeria Caflisch und Isabelle Pilloud
“Soldes”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Institut Créole, Fribourg, Switzerland
with Valeria Caflisch und Isabelle Pilloud
“Soldes”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Institut Créole, Fribourg, Switzerland
FriBi White Card, Contemporary Art Center, Fribourg, Switzerland
“Peanuts”, Performance in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, outside Art Basel, Switzerland
“Peanuts”, Performance in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, outside Art Basel, Switzerland
“Espace de rencontre et d’exposition”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel,
150 ans de Visarte Suisse, Fribourg, Switzerland
“ExpoDisco”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Institut Créole, Fribourg, Switzerland
150 ans de Visarte Suisse, Fribourg, Switzerland
“ExpoDisco”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Institut Créole, Fribourg, Switzerland
“Gestes éphémères”, Performance, Forum für Improvisierte Musik & Tanz (FIM) Basel, Switzerland
“Grenzen”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Museum Murten, Switzerland
“Dark Energy Exists in Milk”, with J. Klakla, F. Heinzel, Galerie Bagnato, Konstanz, Germany
“Vis-à-vis, accrochages anthropophages”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel,
Musée du Papier Peint, Mézières, Switzerland
“Grenzen”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Museum Murten, Switzerland
“Dark Energy Exists in Milk”, with J. Klakla, F. Heinzel, Galerie Bagnato, Konstanz, Germany
“Vis-à-vis, accrochages anthropophages”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel,
Musée du Papier Peint, Mézières, Switzerland
Cantonale Berne Jura, La Nef, Le Noirmont, Switzerland
“Quoi qu’il arrive, à la fin, on est déçu ”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel,
Institut Créole, Fribourg, Switzerland
“Peanuts”, Performance in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, outside Art Basel, Switzerland
“Quoi qu’il arrive, à la fin, on est déçu ”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel,
Institut Créole, Fribourg, Switzerland
“Peanuts”, Performance in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, outside Art Basel, Switzerland
“Nature humaine”, Nuithonie, Fribourg, Switzerland
“Master Readings”, Performance, espace St-Valentin, Lausanne, Switzerland
“Peanuts”, Performance in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, outside Art Basel, Switzerland
“Master Readings”, Performance, espace St-Valentin, Lausanne, Switzerland
“Peanuts”, Performance in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, outside Art Basel, Switzerland
International Art Fair Art Karlsruhe, Galerie Bagnato, Konstanz, Germany (One Artist Show)
Cantonale Berne Jura, Museum of Art Moutier, Switzerland
Cantonale Berne Jura, La Nef, Le Noirmont, Switzerland
“Gestes éphémères”, Swiss Museum of Stained Glass and Glass Arts, Romont, Switzerland
“Transfer”, Galerie Bagnato, Konstanz, Germany (One Artist Show)
“12 noon”, Art Center PasquArt, Biel, Switzerland
“Corps à corps”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Villa Dutoit, Geneva, Switzerland
Cantonale Berne Jura, Museum of Art Moutier, Switzerland
Cantonale Berne Jura, La Nef, Le Noirmont, Switzerland
“Gestes éphémères”, Swiss Museum of Stained Glass and Glass Arts, Romont, Switzerland
“Transfer”, Galerie Bagnato, Konstanz, Germany (One Artist Show)
“12 noon”, Art Center PasquArt, Biel, Switzerland
“Corps à corps”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Villa Dutoit, Geneva, Switzerland
“2 in 1”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel, Institut Créole, Fribourg, Switzerland
“Cool Stories for when the Planet Gets Hot”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel,
Parsons The New School for Design, New York City, USA
“Cool Stories for when the Planet Gets Hot”, in collaboration with Pierre-Alain Morel,
Parsons The New School for Design, New York City, USA
“Mit Absichten”, Kunsthaus Langenthal, Switzerland
“Au joli mois de mai”, in collaboration with Daniela de Maddalena, Alte Krone, Biel, Switzerland
“Adventskalender”, Art Museum Bern, Switzerland
“Gestes éphémères”, Performance, MusikKlub MEHRSPUR, Zürich, Switzerland
“33 artistes fribourgeois”, visarte Fribourg, Switzerland
“Au joli mois de mai”, in collaboration with Daniela de Maddalena, Alte Krone, Biel, Switzerland
“Adventskalender”, Art Museum Bern, Switzerland
“Gestes éphémères”, Performance, MusikKlub MEHRSPUR, Zürich, Switzerland
“33 artistes fribourgeois”, visarte Fribourg, Switzerland
“Masterpieces of Postmodernism and Other Paintings”, Galerie Bagnato,
Konstanz, Germany (One Artist Show)
“Contemporary Freiburg artists. Purchase Fund of the Canton of Fribourg 1984-2009”
Museum of Art and History Fribourg, Switzerland
Konstanz, Germany (One Artist Show)
“Contemporary Freiburg artists. Purchase Fund of the Canton of Fribourg 1984-2009”
Museum of Art and History Fribourg, Switzerland
“Rencontres/Begegnungen”, galerie atelier Fribourg-Nord, Switzerland
Gallery La Courette, Durfort, France (One Artist Show)
Gallery La Courette, Durfort, France (One Artist Show)
Bundes-Medienzentrum SRG SSR idée suisse, Bern, Switzerland (One Artist Show)
“Zwischen Figuration und Abstraktion”, Freiburger Kunst vom 20. und 21 Jahrhundert
aus der Sammlung der Freiburger Kantonalbank, FCB Fribourg, Switzerland
Förderkreis Kunst und Kultur, Hilzingen, Germany
“Gestes éphémères”, Performance Festival SENHsOHR, Dampfzentrale, Bern, Switzerland
“Zwischen Figuration und Abstraktion”, Freiburger Kunst vom 20. und 21 Jahrhundert
aus der Sammlung der Freiburger Kantonalbank, FCB Fribourg, Switzerland
Förderkreis Kunst und Kultur, Hilzingen, Germany
“Gestes éphémères”, Performance Festival SENHsOHR, Dampfzentrale, Bern, Switzerland
“Paintings of the year 2005”, Warsaw, Poland
“Heute ist mein Geburtstag”, galerie atelier Fribourg-Nord, Switzerland (One Artist Show)
“Heute ist mein Geburtstag”, galerie atelier Fribourg-Nord, Switzerland (One Artist Show)
“Our House, in the Middle of a Street”, FRI-ART Contemporary Art Center, Fribourg, Switzerland
Förderkreis Kunst und Kultur, Hilzingen, Germany
Gallery ONO, Bern, Switzerland (One Artist Show)
“Gestes éphémères”, Performance, L’Arc-Littérature et atelier de réflexion contemporaine,
Romainmôtier, Switzerland
Förderkreis Kunst und Kultur, Hilzingen, Germany
Gallery ONO, Bern, Switzerland (One Artist Show)
“Gestes éphémères”, Performance, L’Arc-Littérature et atelier de réflexion contemporaine,
Romainmôtier, Switzerland
“intercity”, Wlodkowic University, Plock, Poland
“Obraz roku 2001/ Paintings of the year 2001”,
Królikarnia - Department of the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland
Królikarnia - Department of the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland
“Projekt Hills’2000”, Contemporary Art Center Solvay, Cracow, Poland
“Corpus. Le corps et le sacré.”, Stephan Gasser, Alexandre Jollien, Jérémie Koering, Ivan Mariano, Michel Pastoureau, Caroline Schuster Cordone, Éditions Faim de siècle
“Les 40 jours en Chine de l’Institut Créole en Suisse”, Éditions Institut Créole, Fribourg
“Mémoires vives. Création contemporaine et patrimoine.”, Caroline Schuster, MAHF 2019
“Institut Créole en Suisse”, Éditions Institut Créole, Fribourg
“Institut Créole en Suisse”, Éditions Institut Créole, Fribourg
“La collection de la Banque Cantonale de Fribourg”, Caroline Schuster-Cordone, Éditions Favre
“Aux Combles de l’art. Werke des 19. bis 21. Jahrhunderts in der Sammlung des Museums
für Kunst und Geschichte Freiburg”, MAHF 2013
für Kunst und Geschichte Freiburg”, MAHF 2013
“KunstVoll, Kunstschaffende in Deutschfreiburg 1848-2006”, Sylvia Zehnder-Jörg,
Deutschfreiburger Heimatkundeverein
Deutschfreiburger Heimatkundeverein
“Climat 16. 16 jeunes artistes réunis par l’université de Fribourg”, chaire d’histoire de l’art,
Université de Fribourg
Université de Fribourg
Works in public collections
The City of Fribourg
Museum of Art and History Fribourg, Switzerland
The Canton of Fribourg
Wifag Group, Bern
Cantonal Bank of Fribourg
Stiftung für die künstlerische Ausstattung des Kantonsspitals Fribourg
Kontakt - Contact
Adresse - Adress
1700 CH-Fribourg
Rue Jean-Grimoux 3